代表性学术成果: [1]Chen, Hua-Jun. Auxiliary-cavity-assisted vacuum Rabi splitting of a semiconductor quantum dot in a photonic crystal nanocavity.Photonics Research,6.12 (2018): 1171-1176. [2]Chen, Hua-Jun. Phonon pump enhanced fast and slow light in a spinning optomechanical system. Results in Physics,31 (2021): 105002. [3]Chen, Hua-Jun. Multiple-Fano-resonance-induced fast and slow light in the hybrid nanomechanical-resonator system. Physical Review A,104.1 (2021): 013708. [4]Chen, Hua-Jun. The fast and slow light in a hybrid spinning optomechanical system mediated by a two-level system. Results in Physics 42 (2022): 105987. [5]Chen, Hua-Jun. The fast–slow light transitions induced by Fano resonance in multiple nanomechanical resonators. OpticsandLaser Technology,161 (2023): 109242. |